• Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Marketing a Casino


Jan 4, 2024

A casino is simply a place where gambling activities take place. Casinos often add a variety of amenities and luxuries, such as restaurants, free drinks, stage shows and dramatic scenery to help attract gamblers and keep them playing. Nevertheless, there have been places that housed gambling activities without the extra flourishes and were still called casinos.

Something about the presence of large amounts of money in the hands of a few people seems to encourage cheating, stealing and scamming to create a win, so casinos devote considerable time and effort to security. Casino employees have a very focused eye on their own game and can quickly spot blatant cheating, such as palming or marking cards. Table managers and pit bosses have a broader view over the gaming floor, watching to make sure patrons aren’t stealing from one another or looking for betting patterns that might signal cheating.

Casino marketing should be based on the fact that people want to feel good when they are gambling. Various intangibles, including rewards, dining and entertainment and the feeling of winning, can be used to drive emotional decisions that lead to brand association.

In addition to driving intangibles, casinos should consider leveraging proximity marketing to boost discovery of the facility, as well as using events and group business to target specific segments of the audience. This will ensure that the casino is positioned as a unique destination for their audience and provide a competitive advantage that will help them to stand out from their competitors.